Metallica Rock am Ring 2014 HD
Извини, но ты живёшь в России 3:35 Battery 7:45 Master of Puppets 16:10 Welcome Home 23:50 Ride the Lightning (Fucking yeees) 30:25 Kirk Solo 32:00 The Unforgiven 41:10 Creeping Death 48:50 Lords of Summer 58:30 Sad but True 1:04:00 Robert Solo 1:05:30 Fade to Black 1:12:50 Fuel 1:16:55 One 1:25:10 For whow the (fucking) Bell Tolls 1:31:20 Wiskey in the Jar 1:37:00 Kirk Solo (another one) 1:39:00 Nothing Else Matters 1:44:16 Enter Sandman 1:53:39 St Anger 2:01:10 Justice For All 2:11:10 Seek