Cats In Medieval Paintings Looked Really Creepy
During medieval times, cats were associated with vanity, witchcraft and the devil and so people thought that in order to get rid of all of these evil things, they would just get rid of cats. They believed that animals were made by God to serve and be ruled by humans. And anyone who has a cat knows that they serve absolutely no one. This independent, flippant nature may have just set them up to be the more controversial pet from the start. People were so crazy back then, right Its not like cats can control minds or anything. Thanks for watching , cat, cats, medievalcats, medievalcatpaintings, arthistory, art, classicart, fineart credits: Shifty Thrifting commented and pointed out that one of the paintings in the video (the one in the thumbnail) is actually a painting she found in a thrift shop. So, while it is all over the internet as a medieval cat painting, it is, in fact, not a medieval cat painting. Although it wasnt painted in the Middle Ages, that cat certainly has the spirit