COUNTRIES of the World for Kids Learn Continents, Countries Map, Names and Flags
By SUBSCRIBING to our channel you help us grow Thanks Ready for the Olympics Practice with your kids the name and flags of Countries around the World with our Educational video for kids, kindergarten, children, toddlers and even adults. Revisions to the Map: In the global Europe Map, it shows Czechoslovakia as 1 country in color blue, but on January 1, 1993, Czechoslovakia split into two independent states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Kaliningrad is also a part of Russia. Detached from the rest of the country, it lies between Poland and Lithuania. Learn about each CONTINENT: AMERICA: EUROPE: AFRICA: ASIA: COMING SOON AUSTRALIA: COMING SOON Credits: Special thanks to illustrator: Asantosg. , learncountries, learnflags, flagsforkids , countriesandflags