Florence + The Machine Heaven Is Here
Florence The Machine HEAVEN IS HERE Stream, download: Two of the dancers in this video are currently sheltering, to my brave and beautiful sisters Marine and Nastia I love you I wish I could put my arms around you. Strength. Find ways to support here Directed by Autumn de Wilde Director of Photography, , Jamie FeliuTorres Choreographed by Ryan Heffington Costume Design by Kate Mulleavy Laura Mulleavy of Rodarte Additional Costume Wardrobe Stylists, , Peter Aluuan and Fiona Hicks Hair Stylist, , Odile Gilbert Makeup Artist to Florence Welch, , Sarah Reygate Editorial Company, , Final Cut Editor, , Miky Wolf Assistant Editor, , Matt Gabzdyl Editorial Producer, , Maggie Mcdermont Visual Effects, , Denis Reva Colour Co, , Company 3 Colorists, , Jeanclement Soret and Yoomin Lee Finishing VFX Co, , Fr