COVID is an Unicorn CDC Paper Exposes Lack of Details About Virus That Has Shut Down the World
Richard Proctor CDC Paper Exposes Lack of Details About Virus That Has Shut Down the World Sars cov 2 DOES NOT EXIST how many times it needs to be said, shown, seen, etc for braindead sheeple to understand Isnt great that people still believe that these governments and politicians believed this virus was real at any point. They have high jacked the flu, for political power and to get Trump out of office, and convinced people its a new virus (look into it a little, do you know they still havent isolated the virus, how do you test for something when you dont know what it is). People believe science is the key to ending this, ridiculous Its science that they using to control people with (scientism, the blind worship of science). This is religious, people have blind faith in science. How do you know its religion Challenge a so called atheist read FULL descr here: