cover フォニイ( Phony) , Anya Melfissa
Erase the me inside the mirror, for there is only a fake reflection who fools anyone looking at it. ゚ Original by ツミキ: フォニイ, phony kafu オリジナル ゚ Art Assets: SenJou hievasp , , Mix: さんかくずわり Video: らいり English Translation: Anya Melfissa ゚ 2021 birthday voice packnya Anya sekarang sedang dijual, loh Jangan sampai ketinggalan, ya My 2021 birthday voice packs are available for purchase Don t miss em 2021年誕生日ボイスパックもあるよチェックしてみてね GET IT NOW: , , ゚ Twitter Instagram Facebook Page Official cover website Official YouTube Channel hololive Indonesia Officia