The Asylum Card Guards ( Bob, Rob, and Knob) American Reads Comments and Reviews Plush Designs
American streams all on his lonesome and talks about design ideas for new Plush Toys. Included in the discussion is a review of comments made in response to the Executive Summary being built for presentation to potential publishers. If you don t like SPOILERS, don t watch this video But if you like to see how games get designed and then maybe watch this video. This is a copy of the live stream we did over on Twitch. Why Because YouTube is broken and won t allow us to schedule future live streams, that s why Join the next Twitch live stream here: All of the work you see in these videos (art, design, production) is supported by our Insane Children over on Patreon. The Alice: Asylum preproduction team is made up of 8 artists, designers, and producers. That team could not exist without the support of our Insane Children. THANK YOU Not a Patron It s 5, month gets you Early Access to Crow