THIS VIDEO WAS FILMED IN November 2019 Please consider subscribing to the website without subs there would be no channel. There are over 250 Battle reports on the website with more and more added each month. Points: 1500 Mission: War of Lies Deployment: Ambush The whirring and clunking of the assembly station was a hymn to the Omnissiah. Each station a hive of activity, each part manufactured exactly to sanctified spec. Magos Fabricator Vlakkan was a devoted follower of the true machine god, and through manufacture he worshipped. In the holy designs of the Omnissiah there was divine truth. The Magos flesh hands gently and expertly positioned each part, whilst his fabricator arms danced with activity, tightening bolts, welding seams and riveting plating together. As he worked, he canted the linguatechnis hymn he had learnt as a foundling. Around him, his servitors repeated the refrains as they shifted the great armour plates, and hefted the weight of cannon, shells and power