Kid expelled from HS for making a CS map of his school
This is quite old, but it was posted today on reddit and really rusted my jimmies. The kid s name was Peter, we weren t best friends or anything, but he was someone I knew all throughout high school. First semester of senior year we had art together, and sat at the same table. He told me he was developing a counterstrike map that resembled my HS(Clements), and he d release it when he got done with it. He finished it in the Spring semester, and it was AMAZING. I may still have the file on my old computer, it looked EXACTLY like my school. So much so, that one parent who saw their kid playing it, called the local authorities and they took this matter way overboard. They raided Peter s house, and all they found was a samurai sword. They thought he was planning an attack on the school, because the map so closely resembled the school. They ended up expelling Peter during his senior year, sending him to a different school, and just fucking over his academic career horribly. Peter was one of the funniest, and