Dr Stephen Ward Osteopath Artist (1961)
Unissued, Unused material VS of osteopath Dr Stephen Ward in his Devonshire Street surgery in London, manipulating the back of a male patient who is stretched out on the table before him. CU of his hands working on the man s back; mix through into CU of his hand sketching. MS of Stephen sketching and looking up at his subject. VS of ward drawing the Actor TerryThomas. CUs of Stephen sketching, intercut with his portraits on the wall of Harold Macmillan, AP Herbert and Sophia Loren. Great CU of TerryThomas sitting solemnly for his portrait; he raises his eyes to the camera and winks at us Stephen hands the finished portrait to TT, who studies it and grins with cigarette holder in his mouth. He puts it up on the mantelpiece to admire it; CU of the portrait it is very good. TT points out something on the picture as Stephen s hand comes into shot to light TT s cigarette. I m not sure if the sketching scenes were shot at Devonshire Street or Dunstable Mews. Note: Fascinating film