Here is Liora new Psy Trance mix played at Deep Dive party by Psy Hatter promo, Kiyv Ukraine on the 4th of December 2020
Here is my new PsyTrance mix played at Deep Dive party by PsyHatter promo, Kiyv Ukraine on the 4th of December 2020 Hope you will enjoy AUDIO VERSION VIDEO VERSION Track List: SUN (GR) World in Reverse Exolon Religious Symbolism Alienatic Communication Reverse Theory of the Unconcious Hypatia Thalia Total Eclipse Equinox Cambium, Ephemeris Another Path Chacruna, Amplify (MX) Miracle Particle Avalon, Faders One Oxytocin Imagination FNX Acid Gate (Skore (BR) Remix) Frostbite Sugarcoat Inverse Out Ikkelkinkkel Future Species Supernatural Hypnoise Watt s Going On Tron Alien Prisoner Cosmic illusion, Braingineers Mechanic Bleeps Duke Gonzo Ingenious Twist (Main Ape Remix) 0dB Winnebago People Dribble, Rugrats Neural Battle ArtWork by ArtRama , liora, psytrance, set