Alice: Asylum Denial is the Ultimate Asylum
, videoAlice American McGee 3 июля 2019 г. We continue to explore the First Stage of PTSD as Alice dives headfirst into Denial. A land where everyone wears a mask and nothing is real. But then only the insane would prefer reality to comfort. Right We review the latest art, narrative, and design from Alice: Asylum. We ll also have a look at progress on the Cheshire Kitten Plush Collector Set. Want your own Cheshire Kitten Learn more: We ll take your Questions and Suggestions from Patreon along with comments from our YouTube Members and Super Chats so if you ve got questions for us, post them now Not a Patron It s 5, month gets you Early Access to Crowd Design and preproduction on Alice: Asyum, access to our Discord Server, and a direct line to Q A during the livestreams Become a Patron today Support the art you love