Steve Bug Those grooves, Inside Techno
Subscribe To Inside Techno: Steve Bug Noir, Released 20121001, Poker Flat Recordings Steve Bug drops a new outstanding 12 on his own highly prolific Poker Flat Recordings. Those Grooves is the perfect primer for his upcoming album (due out in autumn 2012), and sees the man in fine form masterfully in control of his sound and producing tracks with a depth of dancefloor knowledge most other producers would die for. Those Grooves, the lead track locks into its exquisitely crafted groove early on, holding a taut balance between its individual elements. Mid way through its 10 minutes, Bug drops the tempo and lets the groove breath, before bringing it all back home an audacious late night club weapon. The flip side is no less dramatic Tell Me Why creeps up, evolving slowing but surely before an edgy, freaked out bass line drops over the crisp drums. A true peaktime burner with enough energy and tension to smash any floor Follow Poker Flat Recordings Facebo