HIRIE Cali Roots Song 2015 ( Official Music Video) California Roots VI
Greetings. When I think of California Roots, the first thing that comes to mind is all the amazing people that have entered those historic fairgrounds each Memorial Day Weekend since 2010. Everyone who buys a ticket, volunteers, works for production, performs, comes as a guest, vends, documents, logs on to watch our California Roots live stream and, or wishes they could join us, are part of this movement. This movement gets moved to new heights each year. It wouldn t be possible without all the fans. This video is dedicated to them. SUBSCRIBE to Cali Roots Click HERE to get your CALI ROOTS 2020 Tickets Do you love music festivals We re also sharing the Good Vibez on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook so pick your favorite one and hang with us there too INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: