The Ripoff World of Crash Bandicoot Merchandise Caddicarus
Caddy spends thousands on a load of orange plastic (I love you Crash Bandicoot). Download Naraka: Bladepoint for free on all platforms here and celebrate the games 2nd anniversary Join the discord group: , sponsored Thanks so much to OneyNG, OneyPlays for the giant Crash voiceover, and brockbaker for the Winnie the Pooh cameo OFFICIAL TSHIRTS ARE NOW HERE MORE BELOW LIVE GAMEPLAY STREAMING RIGHT HERE CaddyPlays Thank you to Olly Ross for all the filming in this video OllyRoss Thank you to JetPackBraggin for the thumbnails Thank you to Tee Lopes for the theme song TeeLopes Thank you to Crisppyboat for the intro and logo Thank you to Mittens for the Bandicoot Month animation Thank you to ZeekRocz and Orzee