Didgeridoo Hypnotic Waves Shamanic Grounding Meditation Music Crystal Bowls, Calm Whale
Begin the journey into infinite Waters of the Earth, Mother Gaia, feel the grounding didgeridoo breaths spreading, massaging your ears, by moving You slowly deeper and deeper away from thoughts. Concentrate, relax, allow the Crystal Bowls guide You towards the Hypnotic, slow, shamanic, didgeridoo and crystal bowls meditation music. Thank You ALL Namaste DOWNLOAD You can find here HQ audio file support me, flac, wave, hq mp3, Bandcamp become my PATRON or just DONATE and help me create music sending some amount to my PayPal (please add info in the comment that this is a donation) Calm Didgeridoo Meditations: Subscribe to my channel: Bandcamp: FB: Contact: You can also find the beautiful voice of El Grey (many thanks to You) El Grey YT Channel , didgeridoomeditation, calmwhale, hypnoticwaves Copyright 2018 Calm Whale. All Rights Reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.