1080p Sweet Lord, that didn t take forever. The strenuous render process I mean. Not the actual organizing. That was about average MEP hosting time. 3 months Not bad, I ll take it HELLU MY LOVELIES. I bring you my 9th MEP. Holy shit. 9 of these things on my channel LET S GOOOOOO. Ok but seriously, I want to congratulate everyone that helped put this together, you all did a fantastic job Each editor has their own style, but gave me exactly what I asked for. Basically I wanted a traditional Animash pop style MEP, meaning bright colors, lots of FX and typography, well known scenes and lip sync. While not overly creative, it s a crowd pleaser for sure B) As usual, Executive Producer TSCA rules apply which in this case means overlays or text near transitioning parts, or timing adjustment with the audio peaks. Honestly though, I barely did anything :D Tried something a little different with the watermarks; w