Thoughts on Christendom and Islam
Realize the fourheaded monster of Islam, Masonry, Communism and Modernism that we are up against, then vote out anyone who espouses socialist (Communist) agendas or promotes the killing of the unborn and the legitimacy, normalcy of the perverted sin of homosexuality. Vote out of office anyone who promotes the Masonic agenda or kowtows to being bullied by Mohammedans or bows to them. Below is an excellent exposé of Islam that needs to be seen far and wide so souls will wake up before it is too late. It is not meant to incite to anger, but to stir your soul to pray for those who are trapped in cults that preach violence and death. The author quotes Our Lord s words in St. John 14: 6 and, though it is from the King James Version, the DouayRheims is basically the very same. I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh to the Father, but by once on is in, one can never get out again, except as a dead corpse , freemasonry, communism, mafia, islam, sharia, trojanskhäst, islamism, trojanhor