Zeb Powell vs. Lucas Magoon Game of , Planet Zebulon
Ended up in an exhibition Game of against the legendary Lucas Magoon during SlushtheMagazine s Game of Big Snow event. Give goongear8590 a follow Riders in order of appearance: Lucas Magoon, Chapters: 0:00, Exhibition Match Up 1:27, Match Rules 2:19, Board Swap 2:32, First Trick 3:33, Second Trick 4:40, Third Trick 5:27, Fourth Trick Film: Dylan Demers, Peter Cirilli, Edit: Dylan Demers, Get my gear: Burton Blossom, Burton EST Malavitas, Thirtytwo Lashed Powell Boots, Thirtytwo Double BOA Powell, Smith Squad XL Goggles, Follow me on Instagram, TikTok,