Terrifying footage shows school girl, 6, dragged by school bus as civil trial begins
Terrifying footage shows schoolgirl, 6, dragged by school bus as civil trial begins Frightening new footage shows the moment a 6yearold Kentucky girl was dragged by a school bus for several blocks as a civil trial against the driver began this week. In the disturbing video of the May 2015 incident, where firstgrader Ally Rednours pink backpack becomes stuck in the double doors of the bus as she tries to exit in Louisville. The driver, Melinda Sanders, then steps on the gas without noticing the young student forcing Ally to run alongside the vehicle before falling and being dragged, according to the footage taken from inside the bus. Oh my God, oh my God the stunned bus driver later shouts as she realizes shes pulling the girl down the street. The shocking accident left Ally, a Wilkerson Traditional Elementary School student, with nerve damage and severe abrasions, according to a lawsuit filed against the driver and Jefferson County Public School in 2018. , MelindaSanderscivilt