Robocop Versus The Terminator ( Genesis) Playthrough Nintendo Complete
A playthrough of Virgin s 1993 licensedbased platformer, shooter for the Sega Genesis, Robocop Versus The Terminator. Played through on the normal difficulty level. There were a number of games, all relatively similar, released between 1993 and 1994 that bore the name Robocop versus The Terminator, but I ve always felt that the Genesis version was the best one, no questions. It was the lead development platform, so I guess that s hardly a surprise, but the other games definitely feel lacking in comparison. Robocop Versus The Terminator is based on a comic that was released in 1992 that pitted two of the most badass 1980s Hollywood cyborgheroes against one another. Apparently, in this alternate 1985, 1997, Cyberdyne incorporated tech used to create Robocop into their new AI platform Skynet. When Robocop used his spike thingy to gain access to Skynet, he ends up as computer data that eventually can rebuild his physical form in the future so that he can take on the Terminators. Convoluted and more t