REY RETURNS Jedi training
Director Josh Yadon joshyadon Rey CC Weske ccweske Luke Tim Weske Writer Josh Yadon Force Storm Organizer and Producer Noah Fleder noahfleder CoWriter, Production Assistant Jonny Alegria jonnyinspace Director of Photography Deangelo Harding deangeloharding 1st AC Tevin Teixeira 123456tevin BTS Videographer Tyler Denering twayned BTS Photographer Melly Lee mellylee Key Makeup and Hair Stylist Rachel Ringwood rachelringwood Production Assistant Haylee Graham hayleegrahamauthor Lead VFX Artist Jay Hawkins jaystunts Assistant VFX Artist Brandon Johnson brando. j Sound Design, Production Sound Kyle Pham kpham12992 Composer Joe Sanders joesandersmusic Editor CC Weske Costume Designer Alena Cochran alena4real Executive Producers Josh Yadon CC Weske Special Thanks: