Dancing with Horses in the Norwegian Mountains
This time we went for the horses Martin Hjerkinn kindly allowed us to film at his farm, which is the oldest family business in Norway We got to hear interesting stories and to see around The best is that we managed to film in just a few shots while horses were still coming to the field Felt special and exciting Please join on that journey To have a look behind the scenes, check this out: And if you ever visit Norway, checking out Hjerkinn is a must Learn Swing Dancing Online with Sondre Tanya here: Sondre Tanya Instagram: Sondre Tanya TikTok: Sondre Tanya Facebook: Sondre Tanya Website: The song is Just JivinAround by Swing Hot Sextet The Video Production is made by ourselves and Marie OlsenBye , sondreandtanya, horse, animal, norway, nature, dance, jazz