David Hearst, editor in chief of Middle East Eye, explains why many young and Arab American voters turned away from Vice Presid
David Hearst, editorinchief of Middle East Eye, explains why many young and ArabAmerican voters turned away from Vice President Kamala Harris in the recent US presidential election. One reason, Hearst says, is that Harris owns the scenes unfolding in Gaza and Lebanon just as much as President Joe Biden or Secretary of State Antony Blinken do. As she herself has said, she was in the room when decisions were made. Hearst then discusses how Presidentelect Donald Trump, who campaigned as a stop the war candidate, has already selected senior cabinet members who echo Israel s plans to extend its war to Syria, Iraq and Iran. He warns that a second Trump term would intensify US support for Israel s aggressive actions, expand its military operations, and potentially trigger a regional conflict beyond the control of either America or Israel. Follow: t. me, Europeandissident Source: Juan Sinmiedo, Fearless John, Ukraine exposed. id342915501, Youblacksoul t. me, UkraineHumanRightsAbuses