Xiaomi Air pump versus Foot Pump
Portable mini compressors at Having to face the sandy mule track with 30 slopes every day to access the farm in the middle of the ditch, here in the countryside of Lower Molise in SouthEast Italy, I decided to reduce the discomfort of the necessary temporary deflation of the tires, useful for increasing the grip of the wheels, using a portable mini compressor with rechargeable battery that will allow me to bring them back to optimal pressures once out of the ditch. One of the most popular is the mini compressor from Xiaomi, which I therefore got myself. Fortunately, before cramming it into the providential intestine thoughtfully created by the rust of the unstoppable Fiat 127 Rustica, incredibly assembled in 1979 in the Lamborghini factory in Sant Agata Bolognese, I proceeded to do some tests; in fact, only after making the return and receiving the replacement, was I able to carry out tests with positive results. In the video there are both the tests w