Gealdýr For Eldra
The song For Eldra is based on the real historical prayer Ahmad Ibn Fadlān recorded during his encounter with the Rūs people in AD 922. According to Ahmad Ibn Fadlān s recordings he witnessed a Rūs Viking funeral. This encounter has been recorded and preserved through the ages. You may know his story from the movie The 13th Warrior. The prayer goes as follows: þar sék fǫður minn; þar sék móður mína ok systr mínar ok bróðir mina; þar sék forfeðr mína allt til upphafs; Lo, There do I see my Father Lo, There do I see my Mother and My Brothers and my Sisters Lo, There do I see the line of my people back to the beginning Get the full album or song here: Get it on Bandcamp: Get it on iTunes: Get on Spotify: op