Must Know React Portability Patterns
Learn to architect React apps that work across NextJS, Vite, etc. while still accessing the advantages of those platforms. To try everything Brilliant has to offerfreefor a full 30 days, visit . The first 200 of you will get 20 off Brilliants annual premium subscription. Code: I m a host on the React RoundUp podcast: Don t forget to subscribe to this channel for more updates: Discord server signup: VS Code theme and font Night Wolf black and Operator Mono Terminal Theme and font ohmyposh with powerlevel10krainbow and SpaceMono NF 0:00 Introduction 1:30 Example Next JS Application 2:15 Archi. .., JackHerrington, monorepo, nx, nxmonorepo, monorepo, pnpm, nextjsmonorepo, architecture, nextjs, nextjs13 20230418 yi8UCnXPu8U