Bowelfuck Appetite Comes With Killing (2022 Grindcore)
Grind band from Prague, Czech Republic, since 2010. They started as a goregrind act but later transformed their sound into Nasuminfluenced grindcore. This is their killer fourth full length album. Released in April 2022 (CD and digital format) by Bizarre Leprous Production. Digital format via the band: CD, digital via the label: Tracklist: 1. Silence is Enemy 0:00 2. Ending Things 1:25 3. Remorse 2:33 4. With Hunger Grows the Lust 3:57 5. Mines of Death 5:06 6. Scavenger feat. Žlababa (Shampoon Killer) 7:06 7. BoosterShot 9:31 8. Interrogation 10:59 9. Unexpected Trip 12:40 10. In The Middle of Nowhere 14:16 11. SlaveDriver 16:07 12. Peace Through 18:33 13. Bunk 20:25 14. Rise of Rabbles 21:12 15. Order 22:50 16. Asthray Made of B