Secret Drawing In a country town lives a young artist called Anna. Unfortunately she was with a hard depression because her problems in family and with society where she live. But she didn t expect for a Marnie, her favorite drawing that carried from childhood being her unique and best friend. Marnie appears for her somehow, however, Marnie only appears in Annas dream, being the real world some bored and horrible place for Anna, soon, her start to sleep more frequently. A lot of things happens between Anna and Marnie in this dramatic and emotional secret, Secret Drawing. Картинка Making Of MB) Authors Word (Only read it if you watched and analyzed the project) Wow, this was an arduous and awesome edition. When Marnie was There was my choice just because the one republic s music, my brother showed it to me and when I listen I saw a giant relationship with the Ghibli s movie and through of lyrics I was building the story and mainly the project concept. The mainly objective w