Bharata Desha Hitaya, AIM for SEVA and Indian Raga
What is SEVA Check out this video to know more about the idea of Seva, and learn more about how AIM For Seva brings access to education to underprivileged kids across hundreds of cities in India. Do your Seva and inspire others around you Bharata Desa Hitaya is a composition by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati. The essence of the song is a call to everyone to contribute, in their own way, towards the welfare of the people of this country. This music video was shot in Manjakkudi (a small village in the Tiruvarur District of Tamil Nadu) the birthplace of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati. The schools shown in this video provide a platform for education and empowerment for over 4, 000 firstgeneration learners, who come from 300 neighbouring villages. AIM for Seva has been working to educate the children of rural India through our network of 104 Chatralayams, 6 schools, and 1 college, spread across 16 Indian states, for over 20 years. We need yo