Tomb Raider 1 : Unfinished Business Remastered Full All Secrets 100 Walkthrough
Tomb Raider 1 Gold Unfinished Business Remastered All Secrets 100 Walkthrough (No Commentary) After so many years of waiting. We finally get to play Tomb Raider 13 Remastered with brand new lighting and details. First game I tried was Tomb Raider Unfinished Business, which was the first expansion in Tomb Raider Franchise. Lara will go back to Egypt and Lost Island after several months. There are lots of things remain unsolved. Lara goes back to these places and put an end to them. Seeking List : Level 1 Atlantean Stronghold 0:00 0:29 Secret, 1 2:21 Shotgun 13:00 Secret, 2 19:54 Magnums Level 2 The Hive 23:57 27:05 Secret, 3 30:31 Uzis Level 3 Return to Egypt 47:45 50:10 Secret, 4 51:35 Shotgun 54:18 Secret, 5 56:52 Secret, 6 58:00 Gold Key 59:25 Magnum 1:08:01 Uzis Level 4 Temple of the Cat 1:09:11 1:10:17 Secret, 7 1:13:30 Ornate Key 1:15:22 Ornate Key 1:16:45 Secret, 8 1:18:10 Ornate Key 1