Cardboard Organizer Box for Clothes, Easy Cabinet Storage DIY Crafts for Stuff Making at home
Cardboard Organizer Box for Clothes, Easy Cabinet Storage DIY Crafts for Stuff Making at home Hello Crafty Lover Welcome to D Papercraftor If you have extra boxes in your house, PLEASE DON T THROW IT away. Let s try to recycle it if you have time to create new one. And now, I want to show you on this video of how I made the simple and easy storage box to organize some of my clothes. Then I try make this without using Glue Gun, but if you have it in your house you can use it of what you most prefer. All the instructions are indicate in the given video. Please follow the whole video at the end for better understanding. If you have want, questions for me that related in the given video you can leave a message at comment sections. Here are Materials needed: Cardboard Boxes (much better if you have bigger on sizes) Adhesive Wallpapers Wooden Designs White Glue Doublesided Tape Thumbtacks Scissors Ruler Pencil I hope you enjoyed wa