The Real Victoria 3 Multiplayer Experience
, BAD Did they fix the stability The Victoria 2 mp community attempts Victoria 3. I play as the East India Company with a full roster of players Is it good Is it enjoyable After 10 years, could they fix the outofsyncs, the crashes and having to rehost constantly Did they successfully implement The dream of all those who have ever played Victoria 2 in multiplayer Throughout this video, we explore economics, politics, diplomacy, capacity management (this is the part certain sponsored videos won t show war. I learn how to use these various mechanics along with these great people from the Vic2 community. How does it all go Just watch the video and find out War System video: Piechucker s Twitch: Roster: UK: Pogba1, Canada: Saul Bimbis, France: Gedi, Prussia: ZombieFreak115, Austria: dmdonahue, Russia: Loco, Netherlands: trudny, Belgium: X3rxes, Spain: Dempsey, Portugal: j