RPCS3 Major Improvements to Ratchet Clank and Resistance games
Recently kd11 fixed longstanding isses with particles not rendering in the Resistance and Ratchet Clank series, as well as greatly improving stability in edge cases where vram was being used excessively. Thanks to these changes the Ratchet Clank games are now much closer to being playable, with only slight performance issues holding them back in most titles. Resistance games have also seen improvements to the point that 1 and 2 are playable with 60fps patches. These changes can be seen on the following pull requests: Support RPCS3 s lead developers on Patreon: Read the quick start guide on how to setup RPCS3: Join our Discord server to keep up with future updates, or for assistance: Edited by: Aphelion Recorded by: Aphelion (9900K Stock, RTX