Section 1. Cultural Heritage in the Digital Dimension
Запись секции Cultural Heritage in the Digital Dimension первого дня конференции Историкокультурное наследие в цифровом измерении. 0:00 Начало 2:04 Martyanova E. Yu. (PSU, Perm) Virtual Museum: Models of Legal Regulation in the BRICS Countries 17:37 Kagan M. S., Solopova O. A. (SUSU, Chelyabinsk) Ideal Future in World War II Media Discourse: СorpusBased Research of British, American, and French digitalized historical newspapers 39:40 Saenko A. V. (IKBFU, Kaliningrad) The architectural heritage of Königsberg, Kaliningrad in the regional press during Perestroika 59:09 Ismakaeva I. D., Kornienko S. I., Gagarina D. A., Senina A. V. (HSE University, Perm) Digital Approaches for Studying Elected Representative Institutions in Late Imperial Russia 1:20:19 Semina A. E., Maksimova S. V., Shamarina A. A. (PNRPU, Perm) Digital survey and information modelling application experience for the historical and cultural heritage objects