Enmity Battle Lines: Prologue Walter Veith 2021
The first episode is finally complete and ready on DVD: Throughout the production, the concepts surrounding this issue of enmity were revealed to us in multiple ways. The war between Christ and Satan is an allout war that wages every single day. We are so used to living in the world that we hardly notice this controversy exists. But it does exist, not only on a global level, but also in relationships between people, and even within our own hearts. We see Enmity a permanent hostility between two parties wherever we look. From the interactions between husband and wife, sister and brother, friend and friend, neighbour and neighbour, stranger and stranger in the family, in society, between countries enmity rages. Our society is composed of the decisions made on a personal level. Out of societys composition, we experience the goodness or evil of what the collective mindset can produce. And most often it is pain and suffering, because our choices aff