Men and Women Equality. Discover the Big Meaning of adam
In Genesis 2:7, who received the breath of life, neshama Does neshama play a role in men s and women s equality What does adam mean Everybody knows the Bible indicates the creation of Adam as the first human being. How accurate is this affirmation, and what does this say about equality between men and women We re in trouble if we just take the English version of the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (neshama); and man became a living soul. It looks like man, man, man. Most Bible readers think this refers to Adam and naturally make the link that man refers to the male gender. Is that fact or an error Maybe it s part of the problem of men s and women s equality. This is an excerpt from MindBody Problem Buy the book at If you re new to this channel and want to learn more about The Explanation, then subscribe and hit the bell icon to r