Texturing with UVs in Cinema 4 D Gain Total Control Over Your Materials
DOWNLOAD THIS PROJECT FILE ASSETS FOR FREE Cinema 4D is the software of choice for 3D motion designers, but it has always presented a challenge in one area: texturing with UVs. However, with the recent S22 update, texturing with UVs has never been easier. In fact, this can be your new superpower In this tutorial, Creative Director EJ Hassenfratz walks you through the basics of UVs, unwrapping, and the tips you need to be able to successfully texture your own models Once you understand the process, you ll be amazed at how this improved workflow opens up your creative capabilities. Cinema 4D S22 New Features INTERACTIVE ONLINE CLASSES Cinema 4D Basecamp, All Courses, FREE 10DAY INTRO COURSE The Path to MoGraph, ,