Willie Nelson and The Boys Blue Eyes Crying In the Rain ( Episode Five)
Willie Nelson and the Boys (Willie s Stash, Vol. 2) Buy, Listen Willie Nelson plays a vital role in postrock roll country music. Texasborn Nelson is an icon of the 70s outlawcountry movement, favoring a strippeddown style that could both evoke deserthighway vistas (On the Road Again) and initiate the most intimate of conversations (Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain). He has collaborated with some of the biggest names in the genre, whether that was Merle Haggard or Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash Kris Kristofferson in The Highwaymen and written some of Country Musics most popular songs including Crazy made famous by Patsy Cline. In the 21st century, Nelsons outlaw ethos has continued to manifest itself in all sorts of surprising ways: Hes become Americas most visible promarijuana activist and Snoop Doggs unlikeliest duet partner. About the album: Following in the musical footsteps of 2014 s December Day,