ICSS 20220731 Lenins Last Testament is a Fraud Grover Furr
July 31, 2022. 10:30am12:30pm Pacific Lenins socalled Testament is a fraud The canonical accounts of Lenins last writings accept the version that Lenin left a testament that included a number of negative remarks about Joseph Stalin, and that Lenin wished to remove Stalin from the position of General Secretary of the AllUnion Communist Party (Bolshevik). This version stems partly from Leon Trotsky, who embraced it eagerly in his campaign to replace Stalin as Party leader; partly from Lenins wife Nadezhda Krupskaya; and partly from Nikita Khrushchev and the Khrushchevera last edition of Lenins works, the Polnoe Sobranie Sochinenii (Complete Collection of Writings ), or PSS. Professor Valentin A. Sakharov of Moscow State University conducted extensive research in the 1990s on this subject. His 2003 book, Lenins Political Testament, published