Scarface: Chainsaw Scene
Tony Montana (Al Pacino) watches his friend Angel getting dismembered by Colombian dealers. BINGE MORE: Credits: 1983 Universal Pictures, Scarface AVAILABLE FOR RENT OR BUY SCARFACE: , BingeSociety, Scarface, Chainsaw Subscribe: BINGE MORE: Hollow Man: Lights Sebastian on fire: The Shallows: Bitten by a shark: Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid River Attack: From Dusk Till Dawn : Bar Brawl with Vampires : Fright Night: Killing the vampire: ABOUT BINGE SOCIETY DARK: Featuring the most ICONIC movie with a DARK twist Come find the best gory clips, kill compilations and violent fight scenes at Binge Society Dark. Subscribe for daily bloody scenes, as well as shortlists and original shows FOLLOW BINGE SOCIETY Facebook: https