Hopalongs Here (1957)
Southampton, Hampshire London. SV. Hopalong Cassidy (Bill Boyd) standing with wife Grace (Tripalong) on deck of liner United States and waving. CU. Hopalong smiling. SV. He walks along station platform and enters train accompanied by his wife. SCU. Hopalong and wife sitting in carriage as it goes along, they are reading book called In Britain. Hopalong points out of window. LV. Travel shot of English countryside. CU. Hopalong and wife smiling and joking as they sit in train carriage. GV. The Statesman train pulls into Waterloo station. Boy and girl dressed in cowboy outfits standing on the platform. CU. Boy and girl in their cowboy outfits waving. SV. Hopalong standing in doorway and waving to crowd on platform. GV. Crowd on platform. SV. Young couple dressed as cowboys, girl and boy with Hopalong and wife. Girl has just given Hopalong a bouquet. SV. Children waiting behind barrier for autograph signing. GV. Hopalong signing autographs. SV. The children holding out books for signing. CU. Hopalong