ロックマン X Di VE Rockman X Di VE 修正 ハイウェイステージ ( Fix the Highway Stage Event)
English name for this event: Highway Blitz. What you saw during my news coverage on the Sigma Update was my very first walkthrough of this stage on the lowest difficulty. I wasn t prepared, I didn t know what I ll actually see ahead of myself there, so I didn t post it here. I posted my second walkthrough instead. And it s on 4th level of difficulty. I actually think I can beat max level difficulty here since the bar of Total Power count was lowered, for some reason. But I decided to play through 4th level difficulty, it s safer. Well, this stage was fast and it was the first time when I can actually compare an event stage to the original one from my memory since i ve experienced it long ago. It s a nice replication, but it still has a lot of differences. I ll not list them here, I m not that crazy. I chose First Armor X because why not. I know it would be more X1 accurate if I was playing as X in his original body, but if VAVA the Abomination is here, then why not actually