Badass Lee, , City Hunter MV, Sad Run LSC
WATCH IN HD 11, 3, 11: Over 4, 000 views That s the most I ve ever had on a vid. Thank you guys :) I m surprised no one thought of pairing Lee with this song. It s my absolute favorite from the City Hunter OST I decided to highlight the badass that Lee is because this music always makes me think of him. A few notes about the vid itself: I know I misspelled his name in the beginning. Too lazy to change and rerender for that. I got kind of lazy towards the end (didn t use as many effects and timing is off in places I blame Vegas for that ). I tried to incorporate internal sure if I succeeded. In the beginning, I tried to keep it spoilerfree for those not familiar with the as I got close to the end, it was hard not to. Plus I was running low on scenes. The vid is nearly chronological order except for episode 12 which I paired with episode 4 because the scenes were parallel. Action vids are so br, br,