Jesse Cook Bogota by Bus ( Online recording) w, Juan Medrano and Juan De Sedas
What is an online recording The real question is of course: how to perform a song together without being in the same room A few weeks ago my friend Juan Medrano told me he wanted us to record Bogota By Bus together, him being from Colombia, a Gaita champion, and a master of the rhythms of his country. Of course I said yes. But I couldn t imagine doing it without Juan Desedas, the accordionist who played on the original album version. Juan De Sedas is a legend from Panama. He grew up playing accordion in his famous father, Lucho s band. Apart from performing, he has since gone on to build his own state of the art studio, where he mixes and masters artists from all over the world. Of our three studios, clearly his wins. So how did we record it Part by part. Juan (Medrano) recorded the drums and sent them to me. I recorded the guitars and sent them back, he recorded new drums, and sent them back, I sent the music de Juan (De Sedas), he recorded accordion, and on and on, until we h