Hugo Officially Explains Fun Zone Origins Answers Questions About Eternals Design
Hugo Martin interview with Cynic The Original. This is a 3pt episodic interview with doom eternal s game director Hugo Martin. In this interview we discuss the origins, definition of the fun zone, the real purpose of the marauder and how his introduction was meant to promote player engagement and self discoveryw ithin doom eternal s game mechanics. , DOOM, DOOMEternal, hugomartininterview Critical, Sarcastic, Informative If you re looking for tips for Doom Eternal s Competitve battlemode, information on Dying Light s Lore, or an update on Gaming news in general look no further. I cover a range of topics but they all boil down to whats going on in the world of Triple A Video games. Upload Schedule right now is every week MonWed with occasional extra uploads on Thursdays and Fridays. Join The Dischord: Subscribe Here: Most Popular Uploads Playlis