Konstantin Nazarov: Building a Paa S with Docker, Consul and Python ENG
Konstantin Nazarov, Russia. Moscow, SRE, Tarantool Konstantin Nazarov is an infrastructure engineer in Tarantool team. In the past was a system programmer and a fan of Common Lisp. Minimalist and adept of iterative approach to everything. ++++++++++++++++ Building a PaaS with Docker, Consul and Python Speech in Russian + simultaneous translation into English I m currently singlehandedly building a DatabaseAsAService platform. And the problem of where and how to run database instances has been successfully solved in favor of Docker. But there still remain 2 problems: how to link containers on different hosts across the network and how to orchestrate a large pool of running instances. You may find lots of different IaaS offerings and schedulers like Mesos and Kubernetes on the market, but all of them have a steep learning curve. Plus they don t handle stateful and nonSOA services very well. In this talk I ll be walking you over how one can build a simple