Ao D 6v4 ( Songs of the Summoned 3 League of Legends Champion Rocks )
We are all from the NA region. Our summoner names are: escasvalius HangmansHands SlainAmIO the H31P Itamu Here is our entry for Songs of the Summoned 3 contest Mordekaiser is KDH s favorite champion ever. He has been waiting to write this song until the right time, so thanks to Riot for doing another contest Facebook: Area of Defect Twitter: areaofdefect Bandcamp: AreaofDefectMusic Performers: Kyle Danger Henick Dante Allegory (Joe Homes) The H31P (Dom Thomas) Malicious (Amalia Larson) Guitar: DJ Dizzy D (David Dees) LYRICS: Born of the nightmares of dragons and devils I am your terror for 18 levels I level your minions with a single Siphon Destruction looms on the horizon The Ancients bend to my Will I bump AoD and PENTAKILL Through the power of METAL I force you to see Misery loves company You find me alone, pushing a lane You thought you could take me br, br,