Maize harvest in the Mud, Modderen in mais, JD 8600i on Tracks Prinoth Panther rotating dumpers
Modderen in de mais met TJ van Loco When the going gets tough the tough get going, in this case contractor TJ van Loco from Kasterlee in the Belgium. When there is a lot of rainfall, especially on the low sand soils in Belgium the harvest can be difficult. Contrator TJ van Loco converted his John Deere 8600i SPFH to tracks and rented two PRINOTH s PANTHER T16 and T14R Rotating Dumper (s) for the transport of the maize to the headlands where it is transferred on to normal silage trailers and carted to the silo. Thanks for watching Subscribe: Facebook: Disclaimer: The content on my YouTube channel can t be downloaded, published, edited or used without my permission since it s protected by copyright. , modderen in de, mais, mud