How am I suppose to get a job as a software engineer
Is it fair what companies expect of software engineers Is it fair that they want you to know database foo, multiple languages, docker, and other dev ops tech What about hiring with algos Is that fair is it good , ,, Twitch Everything is built live on twitch Twitch : , ,, Editor All my videos are edited by Flip. Give him a follow He is also open to do more editing, so slide deeeeeeeeep into his dms. , ,, Links Linode: Twitch: Insta: Twitter: VimRC i3: Keyboard (15 off, I don t earn commission): . .., ThePrimeagen, software, vim, programming, javascript, typescript, softwareengineering, webdeveloping, webdeveloper, softwaredeveloper 20220620 nmhX3m84Is